Build instruction from Desighs by Phil
Build videos from Paw Paw's Workshop
PDF (Wasteboards, base frame...)
CNC4NEWBIE New Carve Maintenance Part 1 - YouTube
CNC4NEWBIE & Z Axis Upgrade for XCarve Maintenance Part 2 - YouTube
**** Important information about using Easel with or before first moves with our New/Crave/Ultimate kit ****
Enter all our recommended settings for your kit size.
*Before trying to home and jog, disable the homing and soft limit setting,
Soft limit: $20=0 to disable and $20=1 to enable.
Homing: $22=0 to disable and $22=1 to enable.
**Be sure your home switches are wired for NO, pins 1 and 3.
Once you are sure the machine jogs in the right direction, enable the homing and soft limit.
***Be aware because Easel likes to return to the original GRBL settings!!
***Don't use the machine inspector because it will return to the original grbl!
Most use UGS or PicSender, they are more reliable senders!
Hope this helps!
DROP plate
DROP PLATE ***FIT only our Xcarve and OpenBuilds sliders*** Drop 1.250" Use when you add risers..